Azrieli Towers

Ink on watercolor paper, 30*42 cm


A reproduction of an original painting, printed on 350g two-sided paper, crafted to faithfully capture the natural colors of the original and to stand the test of time.

A word from the artist

The construction of the Azrieli Towers was completed in 1999, and they remain to this day one of the most iconic landmarks in Tel Aviv's skyline, owing to their unique geometric design.

During good weather, the towers were even visible from my grade-school's yard in Elkana. I remember one classmate arguing that they were the twin towers in Manhattan, insisting he knew because he had been there.


All postcards are available in 15*10 cm
* For custom sizes please contact us and we'll try to accommodate you.

Contact us

Contact us for collaboration, buying directly or simply saying hi.
Lahan Zemer
Isaac Sheptovitsky